Signals and Better Futures **are the essence of RADAR. They capture our collective discovery and curation process and sit at the heart of our ability to envision and accelerate better futures.

It all starts on our Discord server, RADAR HQ — and specifically, within the section of the server we affectionally call our Signals Garden.

From #aesthetics and #ideology to #placemaking-migration, #relationships, #technology and beyond, our channels explore broad cultural pillars and specific trend topics to serve as a living, breathing platform for collective curation, sense-making, and discussion of what’s next.

This is a space for futurists of all kinds to contribute alongside strategists, builders, makers, thinkers, and curious humans of all kinds to generate collaborative perspectives that sharpen our collective vision.

So what makes it a SIGNAL?

<aside> 🔮 The dots we connect; a catch-all term for evidence of what futures might unfold

— The Curious Human’s Field Guide to the Future


A ‘SIGNAL’ can be anything; links, new products, people, ideas, music samples, TikTok videos, new apps, a paragraph from a white paper...we did say anything. Well, anything that strikes you as an ‘emerging indicator of the future.’

When you’re sharing, we encourage you to go a click deeper than just a link. After all, signals are most fruitful when they’re paired with a bit of context and elaboration on why they’re important to you and what they say about culture at large.

We’ve captured a few of our favorite examples below. For more, you may want to check out / Let’s Talk Trends.


How do I share Signals?

The easiest way to get involved in RADAR and start creating value is by sharing signals and contributing to conversations in the Signal Garden. You can jump into existing forum posts and add thoughts of your own, or start a new conversation for the community to jump into by choosing a theme and starting a new forum post at the top of the page.

Worried a Signal has been shared before? Have a search for your topic (or even a specific link) using the search bar in the top right. Still not sure? Drop it in the #sorting-room.

For more, be sure to check out our #how-to page within the Signals Garden section of the Discord and check out / How to share Signals

What are ‘Better Futures’?

Better Futures are the collective visions of better futures that emerge from the community as a result of discussion and discovery. Think of them as mutually-uncovered hypotheses about what’s to come based on all of the signals we’re seeing.

These visions of the future are our jumping-off points for deeper exploration, speculation, ideation, and more. They are the questions we to answer, the seeds we want to nurture, the worlds we want to build.