This round is focused on accelerating a future with love at the centre of everything

<aside> 💞 We've committed $10,000+ to supporting ideas for A Future in Love, if you believe in this future we invite you to submit an idea or contribute to the microgrants pool.


Below, you’ll find a few prompt areas that outline the types of ideas we’re interested in funding.

Submit your ideas


Template here

Submit here

Prompt Area 1 - LoveMaxxing

<aside> 💞 ***In this brief, we’re calling for ideas, products, services and experiences and more that expand our current awareness, definitions and expectations around love today.

How might we help expand our collective understanding of love?***


Prompt Area 2 - Lofi Love

<aside> 💞 ***In this brief, we’re calling for ideas, products, services and experiences that activate small lowfi hackativism to bring us closer together, not divide us.

How might we hack humanity back into our interactions?***


Prompt Area 3 - New Care Economies

<aside> 🔮 ***We're calling for ideas, products, services, experiences that reimagine how we value and distribute wealth.

How might we show what we truly value through spending?***


Read the full brief

Some Proposal Ideas

<aside> 🤑 As part of your proposal, you will need to select whether you’re applying for $500, $1,000 or $2000 based on the nature of your project. Here are some examples from our last microgrant round we’ve thought about, and how we’d allocate for them as a point of reference. Don’t be limited by these visions.
