We know that getting into yet another app can be a hurdle in and of itself — and we also know that Discord has a habit of, well, making people feel like this ⬇️


At RADAR, we don’t want Discord to be a hurdle. Especially because we know it has so much to offer. As Anne Helen Petersen closes each of her weekly newsletters, "If you’re intimidated by Discord, don’t be. It’s a delight.” We agree — so we’ve put together a quick explainer graphic below (h/t to OdysseyDAO for the inspiration and education!), followed by a slightly-less-quick Q&A to help you get up to speed and on the same page.

Discord 1-2-3


Discord FAQ

Why is Discord RADAR’s HQ of choice?

Where do I start?

There’s so much going on all the time. How do you not get overwhelmed?

What’s the deal with calls, events, town halls, etc?

Someone mentioned a bookmarking bot...

And tipping?